(prompt "Your system is running a " (database "cpu") " CPU.\n\n Which version of the program would you like to install ???" )
(choices "Standard (running all CPU's)" "Turbo (optimized for 68020/030, no FPU req.)" )
(help "Select the correct program version, depending on your installed CPU. If you dont't know what type of CPU your machine has, install the standard version of the program,")
(default 0)
(if ( = 0 progversion )
(set progname "AddressAssist")
(message "Installing 'Standard' version of '" @app-name "'" )
(set progname "AddressAssist_030")
(message "Installing 'Turbo' version of '" @app-name "'" )
(prompt "Would you like copy the english documentation files ???" )
(help @askbool-help)
(source "Doc_English" )
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Doc_English" ))
(pattern "#?")
(source "ReadMe.txt" )
(dest @default-dest )
(newname "ReadMe.txt")
(complete 60)
(if (askbool
(prompt "Or Would you like copy the *german* documentation files ???" )
(help @askbool-help)
(source "Doc_Deutsch" )
(dest (tackon @default-dest "Doc_Deutsch" ))
(pattern "#?")
(source "LiesMich.txt" )
(dest @default-dest )
(newname "LiesMich.txt")
(complete 70)
(if (askbool
(prompt "Would you like install the german catalog file ??? You need locale.library V38 for (WB2.1+) localisation to work." )
(help @askbool-help)
(source "catalogs/deutsch" )
(dest "locale:catalogs/deutsch" )
(pattern "#?")
(if (askbool
(prompt "Or would more like to install the norsk catalog file ???\n\nMany thanks to Eirik Bogsnes for his translation!" )
(help @askbool-help)
(source "catalogs/norsk" )
(dest "locale:catalogs/norsk" )
(pattern "#?")
(complete 80)
(if (askbool
(prompt "Would you like copy an example database file ???" )
(help @askbool-help)
(copyfiles (
(source "AddressData" )
(dest @default-dest )
(newname "AddressData" )
(complete 85)
(if (askbool
(prompt "Would you like copy the preferences files to the envarc: assignment???\n\nAttention: from 1.0 to 2.x, preferences file format have changed. Install NEW default preferences files or set all the preferences, including 'Print' preferences, to 'Default'. \n\nSorry for this inconvenience!\n" )